VMware vSphere

The VMware Advantage:
Addressing the Market From Data Center to Device

Virtualization is a proven software technology that is rapidly transforming the IT landscape and fundamentally changing the way that people compute, such as an operating system, a server, a storage device or network resources.

Datacenter Platform Group:

VMware ESXi – ESXi is essentially vSphere without the extra stuff, just a hypervisor. In addition, it lacks the service console that is included with ESX, which means that you must rely on remote management tools to adequately manage/monitor ESXi servers.

VMware vSphere – This is what was the full VMware ESX Server, evolved into what VMware now calls a “Cloud OS”. The idea is that you can use this platform to virtualize your entire datacenter, then move that datacenter around for the sake of redundancy, availability, or computing power.

Note: contact us how virtualization can benefit for your company datacenter